Choosing LGBTQIA+-Inclusive Children's Books: A Reading List for All Families

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Choosing LGBTQIA+-Inclusive Children's Books: A Reading List for All Families

Reading offers a safe space to navigate and discuss sometimes complex subjects. By selecting inclusive children’s books that showcase LGBTQIA+ experiences, new parents can lay the foundation for a world filled with understanding and acceptance. 

For new parents, especially those in the LGBTQIA+ community or those wishing to raise inclusive children, finding children’s books about diversity and inclusion books that speak to these experiences can be invaluable. By selecting books that showcase LGBTQIA+ experiences, new parents can lay the foundation for a world filled with understanding and acceptance.

Below is a curated list of LGBTQIA+-inclusive children’s books suitable for various age groups, followed by tips for discussing these topics with your young ones. This reading list can be a beautiful way to introduce children to literature that reflects the range of experiences and identities present in the world today. Inclusive kids books cover many topics your children will relate to, told through stories they are sure to enjoy!

For Babies (0-2 years)

“Pride Colors” by Robin Stevenson

A gentle introduction to the meaning of Pride through a vibrant board book that combines cheerful rhymes with colorful photographs of LGBTQIA+ families.

“My Two Moms and Me” / “My Two Dads and Me” by Michael Joosten

Celebrate the daily routines with a toddler and their same-sex parents, with these charming and inclusive children’s board books that are also durable..

For Toddlers (2-4 years)

“And Tango Makes Three” by Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell

Based on a true story, this tale recounts how two male penguins at New York's Central Park Zoo create a non-traditional family by hatching an egg together.

“Stella Brings the Family” by Miriam B. Schiffer

Stella is worried about what to do for Mother’s Day since she has two dads. This story addresses diverse family structures and celebrates love and inclusion.

For Preschoolers (4-6 years)

“Julian is a Mermaid” by Jessica Love

Julian sees women dressed as mermaids and is inspired to dress up himself. This story touches on self-expression and acceptance.

“The Family Book” by Todd Parr

A delightful read emphasizing that while every family may look different, they're all special in their own way.

Engaging With the Stories

Introducing your child to diverse children’s books about inclusion is just the first step. The real magic happens when you sit down together, flip the pages, and engage in meaningful discussions. We’ve compiled a few pointers to guide your discussions and further the conversation.

Start Early and Keep It Simple: It’s never too early to start these conversations. For younger children, keep explanations simple. For example, you might explain, "Some families have two moms or two dads. All families are made with love."

Ask Open-Ended Questions: Encourage children to think and ask questions about the story. For instance, “How do you think Julian felt when he dressed as a mermaid?”

Reinforce the Message of Love and Acceptance: Always bring the conversation back to the underlying values of love, understanding, and acceptance.

Diversify Your Shelf: While focusing on LGBTQIA+-inclusive books, ensure that your child's library showcases a wide range of cultures, ethnicities, and experiences.

Lead by Example: Children learn from observing their parents. Along with introducing your little ones to children's books about diversity and inclusion, be a role model by showcasing empathy, open-mindedness, and acceptance in your daily life.